Victory is given to the one who finishes, not the one who starts.
Relationships become better when we tear down the walls that divide us and build bridges that bring us together.
The value of a balloon is that it brings joy to people’s lives as it becomes bigger on the inside.
All possibilities are on the other side of forgiveness.
The price tag we place on ourselves is the same price tag others place on us.
Step up to the mirror and take responsibility for your life.
You cannot win if you do not begin.
Decide what your priorities are. If you don’t, someone else will.
Your desire to improve your life begins with a teachable attitude.
Your level of success will be determined by your level of self-discipline.
Be a diamond. Shine through the grind.
Forgiveness is a Choice
Everyone needs forgiveness. The humanity in our lives causes us to not always do the right thing. All of us at some time have wronged others. That action separates and damages the relationship. It causes a brokenness between ourselves and others. The result? Over time, we become broken people.